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The GUI Command

     GUI [<input>] [<output>]

Argument template:

     Using this command you may lock or free the DFAEditor's output and
     input respectively.

     After you've locked the input of the DFAEditor using GUI INPUT
     OFF, it is no longer possible to do any input to the
     DFAEditor, i.e. you cannot select any gadgets or menus.

     If you've used GUI OUTPUT OFF to lock the output of the DFAEditor,
     the address and teh panel listview of the DFAEditor main window
     are no longer updated, when you more through the address list
     using NEXT or PREV for example.  Not before you've used the
     command GUI OUTPUT ON, the displayed is "activated" again.

Argument description:
        * INPUT

          Disables or enables user input into the DFAEditor.

        * OUTPUT

          Disables the refreshing of the DFAEditor's address and panel

     The following error codes can be returned in RC2:

        * RXERR_SYNTAX

     Please make sure that you enable input and/or output, before your
     Arexx script ends, if you've formerly disabled them.